Jan 06, 2017 Addiction

Changing Your Lifestyle With Exercise

One of the best and fastest ways to make changes to a lifestyle that has been hindered by the habit of smoking is to begin a fitness program.

It will offer a lot of help for the person quitting smoking.
Exercise helps to reduce stress and stress is a major trigger for smoking with many people.

It will also help to maintain a healthy bodyweight and this can be a concern for people who are prone to gain weight once they stop smoking as nicotine helps to keep weight down.

Statistics have shown that those people who are participating in some form of exercise program have a greater chance of success when quitting smoking.

The endorphins that are released with exercise are a better substitute than those that people get from nicotine and the release of them with exercise can bring about a sense of well-being for several hours following the exercise.

As your health will begin to improve within 20 minutes from your last cigarette and continue to do so as your body reverses the damage that smoking has done, one of the first things you will notice will be the ability to breathe more freely.

Being able to breathe more freely will also increase your energy levels and this is also enhanced by the improvements in the ability for the blood to transport oxygen to all parts of the body.

Increased energy makes exercising easier and the upward cycle of fitness can bring some excellent improvements over a relatively short term.

Changing lifestyles to incorporate exercise usually encourages people to make other improvements to their life with better nutrition and leading a more balanced life. The extra cash that you will have from not having to purchase cigarettes will allow for more options to get the most out of life and experience things that were previously inaccessible when smoking was a part of life.

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