Feb 08, 2017 Remedies

We’re Sharing These Acid Reflux Secrets Against The Pro’s Advice

Acid reflux not only causes burning and irritation, but it can cause pain, too. Acid reflux can be so painful you cannot function. There are many common culprits of reflux, just as there are many treatments available. Keep reading to learn more.

The last meal of the day should be eaten around three hours before you get in bed. Staying upright can help the food get pulled into your stomach. If you lie down, acid can move into the esophagus. This is why it’s best to stop eating several hours before bedtime.

Stress is a huge opponent of acid reflux. Stress produces more acid inside your stomach. Relax after you eat. For example, you might indulge in yoga, reading or solving a crossword puzzle.

Consider giving up smoking if you suffer from acid reflux. Acid reflux is made worse by nicotine because it stimulates stomach acid production. Quitting cold turkey can make acid reflux symptoms worse. Instead, quitting should be a gradual effort.

You should not only be upright when eating, but you should stay that way for a few hours. Lying down directly after a meal can allow acid to travel up your esophagus with much greater ease. As long as you sit up or stand up, you’ll find that your esophagus feels better.

It may not be wise to exercise immediately after eating. Your food can be pushed up into the esophagus as your abdominal muscles are flexing. Allow one to two hours to pass before you partake in exercise activities.

Chew a stick of cinnamon gum after meals. Your salivary glands make more saliva when you chew. Saliva helps to neutralize the acid of the stomach. You’ll also swallow more, carrying acid downwards. You may use fruit flavored gum if you prefer that. Do not, however, chew gum with mint in it. Mint can actually cause acid reflux, so you may just be making things worse.

Prop up your bed. You can use bricks, wood or even bed raisers to accomplish this. Make sure your head is at least a half foot higher than above the end of the bed. By raising your chest and head, it helps prevent stomach acid from rising into your esophagus while you’re asleep.

Avoid overly restrictive clothing. Things like pantyhose, belts and waistbands should not be too tight. These clothes not only restrict movement, but they put excess pressure your stomach. This can cause acid reflux. Do not wear tight fitting or uncomfortable clothing across your stomach and chest area.

Trigger foods need to be avoided. Find out what these triggers are for you and reduce your consumption. This list includes spicy foods, tomatoes, carbonated beverages, alcohol, acidic juices, fatty food, coffee, and even milk.

Do not lay down right after eating if acid reflux is a problem for you. When you lie down, your body will not digest the food you’ve just eaten correctly. By staying in an upright position, you can avoid the problems associated with acid reflux and continue to feel healthy.

Consume small meals, and do so frequently. You may be at higher risk for acid reflux if you eat very large meals during the day. When your stomach is full, it can cause a lot of pressure to build up making your acid reflux worse. As a result, stomach acid is free to move upward and into the esophagus, where it causes heartburn and damage. Smaller meals will put less pressure on your stomach, causing you less discomfort.

Moderate physical activity may assist with acid reflux. Exercise in moderation to start, until your body becomes accustomed to your regimen. Exercises that are vigorous can actually case reflux, but low-impact exercises could help. Doing upright exercises can help gravity help you digest your food. Besides, being more active will help you get in shape and reduce the pressure on your stomach.

Pregnancy can cause acid reflux due to the baby pushing the stomach. Talk to your doctor to determine the correct course of action if you are in this situation, especially in the latter stages of your pregnancy.

Are you aware that how likely a food is to create acid in the stomach doesn’t have much correlation with the pH level? High-acid foods, such as lemons, become high-alkaline foods following digestion. This sounds confusing if you are an acid reflux sufferer. Get to know your food pH if you suffer from acid reflux.

Try to ensure you get a moderate amount of exercise if you have acid reflux. Walking and water aerobics are two low-impact exercises that can ease acid reflux. This keeps your body upright so that gravity can help prevent your food from moving up into the esophagus.

Even though acid reflux is not a happy experience, it doesn’t have to last forever. Acid reflux will only last as long as you want it to last. You can do any number of things to keep acid reflux at bay. With any luck, everything you’ve read here will serve you well.

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