Nov 19, 2016 Dog Training

Dog Training Online

With just about everything available on the internet it is no surprise when you hear that dog training online is available. Many sites are offering tips and helpful hints to training your dog and many of them are fabulous! Just…

Nov 19, 2016 Dog Training

Dog Training Equipment

To train your dog you need some good equipment to do it! It's easy enough to find places that sell dog training equipment these days. You can find stores in your local phonebook or on the internet. The internet has…

Nov 19, 2016 Dog Training

Boxer Dog Training

The Boxer is an amazing dog and is extremely playful, energetic and definitely a handful (in a good way of course). This breed if dog is extremely loyal and when a friendship is built it lasts forever. The boxer is…

Nov 19, 2016 Dog Training

Dog Training Book

Does your dog need a good seeing to? Does he act inappropriately? Those are just a couple of questions many people are answering in dog training books. Hundred of people are writing books on dog training as it is such…

Nov 19, 2016 Dog Training

Dog Training Aids

You may think that dog training aids are out there for you to spend money and not actually reap any benefits from. That is not the case. Dog training aids are there to help you succeed in teaching your dog,…

Nov 19, 2016 Dog Training

Dog Toilet Training

Unless you have a sixth sense you can't predict when and where your dog is going to do the toilet, that is why dog toilet training is necessary. Dogs need to learn to “hold it” and go where he is…

Nov 19, 2016 Dog Training

Dog Puppy Training

A new puppy in the home excites everyone especially children but make sure you got the puppy for a good reason and not just on a spur of the moment feeling. Like they say dogs are for life not just…

Nov 19, 2016 Dog Training

Dog Obedience Training

Getting frustrated that your dog jumps up on people when you are visiting friends? Can’t understand why your dog runs away from you at the park while everyone else’s happily comes back? The simple answer is have you tried dog…

Nov 19, 2016 Dog Training

Dog Kennel Training

There is great controversy about dog kennel training. Many believe that cages, kennels and crates are today’s answer to quick convenient punishment. Although not as much controversy as there is about dog collars that choke a dog and give them…

Nov 19, 2016 Dog Training

Dog House Training

When scolding your dog for doing the toilet on the carpet remember that we were once young and did not use the proper toilet either. Your dog needs to be house trained, and this can be done in a few…

Nov 19, 2016 Dog Training

Dog Behaviour Training

Bad behaviour in dogs can consist of many problems. Does he bark all night long and keeps you from sleeping? Are you afraid he is going to keep biting? Does he chew everything except his toys? If the answer to…

Nov 19, 2016 Dog Training

Dog Agility Training

One of my favorite activities is dog agility, it keeps you fit and makes you feel good picking up those trophies at the end of each competition. Dog agility training is somewhat harder than other training options, but I find…

Nov 19, 2016 Dog Training

Clicker Dog Training

The newest dog training craze is clicker dog training. A clicker is a small rectangular plastic box with a metal button on top that clicks, hence the name clicker. It’s the type of training that the dog decides whether or…

Nov 19, 2016 Dog Training

Basic Dog Training

“How does your dog sit when you tell him to and mine doesn’t?", “How can your dog heel to you like that?", “Wow! He comes when you tell him to” - Sounds familiar? If it does, you need to invest…