Nov 20, 2016 Teenagers

Emotional Changes In Adolescent Girls

Emotional Changes Found in Adolescent Girls

Adolescence is a challenging time for all who pass through it. It is not easy changing from a child into an adult, and for girls there are many extra issues that can cause emotional upheaval. Here are some of those changes you may notice your daughter experiencing at this particular time in her life.


Moodiness is a normal part of adolescence, and your daughter may feel it dramatically due to premenstrual syndrome, more commonly known as PMS. Your daughter’s monthly cycle can make her feel moody to the extreme, causing her to swing up and down emotionally.

You can help your daughter by encouraging her to participate in regular exercise, and eat foods that will stabilize PMS symptoms such as healthy fats from sources like nuts and avocados. Taking care of herself is something that will benefit both your daughter and those around her, and will be a skill that benefits her for her entire life.


Changes in friends, schools, body and emotions may cause your daughter to have many moments of insecurity. From feeling as though her friends have turned their backs on her, to times of not feeling totally comfortable with all the changes in her life, your teenage daughter is likely to experience many bouts of insecurity.
Remind her that no matter what changes may happen, you will always be her biggest cheerleader… and then be sure to back up your words with action.


Adolescence is the time in life where your words as a parent really count. Although this is always true, it is especially true knowing that whatever you say will make such a great impact – whether for good or not. This is a time in life when your child is feeling the most vulnerable to criticism. Choose your words carefully and think twice before correcting your daughter for trivial issues that can be overlooked.


Unfortunately, depression is becoming more and more common. If your daughter is walking through this, be the best support you can, and choose to love rather than judge. Encourage your daughter to talk to a counsellor or physician about her problem. There is help available if you know where to look.

Be aware for signs such as irritability, withdrawal from friends, and loss of pleasure in favourite activities that may signal a deeper problem of this nature.

Peer Dependence

It may drive you crazy, but peer dependence is one of the common emotional changes found in adolescent girls. While before you may have been your little girl’s hero, you will now find her pulling away from you and drawing closer to her friends.

Instead of being overly critical of this, simply give your child the opportunity to find a good, solid group of friends. Involve your daughter in activities with those who may share her faith and personal interests, as this will allow her to branch out and find a variety of close friends that will last. Some of the friends that your daughter finds in her youth will be friends for life.

Adolescence is not easy for young women. With all the struggles faced by them, it takes much support and courage to make it through. Be the person your child can look up to and lean on in these challenging times of her life, and it will change her entire life for the better.

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