Dec 26, 2016 Weddings

Beach Weddings

Dependent upon the weather, a beach wedding can be a unique and memorable occasion that has flair and casualness yet retains the romantic aspect of the freedom of being able to get away to the beach and do as you please.

It is also an opportunity to have a wedding that people will remember without the expense that is associated with booking a reception venue and the other expenses that go hand in hand with more formal weddings.

You will need to choose a location where you will be able to have your wedding ceremony without the intrusion of outsiders who could affect your plans and there are other factors that you need to consider including who your guests will be and how they will cope with the conditions as some elderly guests might find it a little bit difficult on the beach.

There are of course always solutions to these problems and most of them are relatively cheap.

If you are living in an area where there are beautiful beaches within a reasonable distance from yourself, your friends and your family then it is well worth considering a beach wedding because the beach in itself will add beauty to the occasion.

If you cannot rely 100% on the weather then you will need to look at alternative venues should the weather make it unsuitable for you to have your beach wedding.

You will also need to consider the tide times and whether or not there will be sufficient room on the beach for the wedding party to perform the ceremony suitably.

Like any other venue good planning and preparation will make all the difference on the day and even though a beach wedding is a very casual affair there is still certain planning that needs to go into ensuring that there won’t be any problems with that particular setup.

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