Dec 26, 2016 Beauty

High Blood Pressure

While blood pressure is a very common problem for people as they age this is not to say that it is something that we should accept as normal.

Often referred to as the silent killer, hypertension (high blood pressure) is the reason why a good deal of the population don’t reach the age that they should expect.

High blood pressure is caused by constriction of the arteries which makes it harder for the heart to pump blood through the body.
When the blood isn’t flowing freely to all areas of the body the result of this lack of oxygen to the tissues is increased aging.

In addition to this accelerated aging there are the other factors of heart and kidney disease and strokes that can result in early death.

With high blood pressure, due to the fact that the heart has to work harder to pump the blood around the body, this increased pressure causes more hardening of the arteries which makes it all the harder on the heart to maintain the blood supply.

By avoiding the danger foods that can cause high blood pressure such as salt, caffeine, sugar and refined grains you will be helping to reduce the chance of getting high blood pressure and in doing so increase your chances of living longer.

Reducing the stress in your life will also help as will getting enough sleep regularly.

Essential fats will help you maintain better health and garlic has been shown to reduce blood pressure.

Exercise will help to lower blood pressure and you will also get all the other benefits that exercise brings with it such as improved muscle tone, lower body fat, and usually a more positive outlook on life that will also lower stress levels.

If your blood pressure is high then you will need medication to get it to more acceptable levels but you should still make the necessary lifestyle changes that can eventually help you to get off the medication and lead a healthy and long life.

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