Jan 10, 2017 Beauty

Environment And Beauty

The environment that you live and work in will have a considerable affect on the condition of your skin and other aspects of your health that will determine how well you will age.

Living in a harsh environment will place additional stress on your skin and as the sun and the weather causes damage it also tends to age a person faster than someone who is protected from the elements.

Living in a sunny climate might feel good but it can also be very aging with the damage that the sun can do to the skin. There is all the more reason to remain hydrated at all times and use sun screens and moisturizers to protect the skin against aging.

Eating foods that are high in antioxidants will help to maintain good skin condition and also to elevate all others aspects of your health so you are not only looking as best as possible but you will be feeling more energized, fit and youthful at the same time.

You will need to learn how to manage your environment if you expect to stay young and usually the same basic principles of good health management apply although they will need to be adapted for your needs.

People who live in colder climates and spend more time indoors will usually have smoother, softer skin but on the other hand those people who live in more temperate climates will tend to get outdoors more and exercise more often even if it is only walking in the park.

So the extra exercise will improve their health and help them to stay young but the damage that they can get from the sun can have a negative affect on their aging.

There are pros and cons for most environments but at the end of the day the person who looks youngest will be the one that manages the environment the best and takes care of their main image of youth – the skin.

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