Feb 05, 2017 Remedies

Want More Expert Knowledge On The Topic Of Acid Reflux?

Are you someone that has dealt with acid reflux, or perhaps someone you know? If you answered yes, then you are already aware of the pain it causes. Acid reflux is a condition that can be difficult to live with. You can alleviate the symptoms you feel concerning acid reflux with the following helpful tips.

Your last meal of the day should be consumed a minimum of three hours prior to going to bed. When you remain upright, your stomach acid and food is pulled down into the stomach. Laying down can cause the acid to rise again. You give the food in your stomach a chance to digest if you stop eating well before bed.

Acid reflux can be exacerbated by the way you eat. Many people like to eat at a fast pace and eat a lot of food. You will see a detriment to your health if you continue to eat this way with acid reflux. Eating smaller portions can really help with this. Eat slower too. Chew each bite slowly and savor the flavor.

Fatty foods make it that much worse for people suffering from acid reflux. Fatty foods can cause your esophageal sphincter to relax, letting acid flow upwards. Fatty foods also cause weight gain. People who are overweight tend to suffer from acid reflux. Eat healthy and stay healthy!

Certain particular foods help produce acid reflux in your esophagus. The list includes fatty foods, caffeinated beverages, chocolate and alcohol. Foods that are highly acidic like tomatoes, oranges, grapefruits and lemons can cause acid reflux. Keep a log of what foods seem to cause your acid reflux. You may find some common problem foods are fine for you, while other foods that are not listed upset your stomach. To be safe, avoid all these.

Consider giving up smoking if you suffer from acid reflux. Nicotine causes acid reflux to get worse. Quitting cold turkey can make acid reflux symptoms worse. Gradually quit smoking instead.

If you are dealing with acid reflex, you definitely do not want to exercise right after you eat. Contractions of the lower stomach during exercise can cause undigested food to be forced upwards in the esophagus. Wait about two hours after your meal before you exercise.

Cinnamon gum is a good dessert to get accustomed to. When you chew, it produces more saliva. The benefit of saliva is that the stomach’s acid can be neutralized. Additionally, the constant swallowing during gum chewing will help to clear the esophagus of lingering acid. You can also use gum that is fruity. Do not, however, chew gum with mint in it. Mint can actually cause acid reflux, so you may just be making things worse.

To reduce your acid reflux symptoms, lose some weight. The most common situation leading to acid reflux is being overweight. Losing just ten percent of your total weight will reduce acid reflux symptoms significantly. However, do not crash diet. Instead, lose weight by moderate exercise and consuming healthier, smaller meals.

Try to eat slowly. You should eat slowly and stop when you are full. Instead of eating too fast, slow down and chew your food at a more relaxed pace. Eating too much or too quickly can worsen symptoms. Avoid distractions that will keep you from realizing your are full, and take breaks in between courses.

Eat smaller meals, several times a day. Large meals can increase the chance of acid reflux occurring. An overly full stomach puts too much pressure on the muscle that closes the stomach. This allows stomach acid to creep into your esophagus, causing heartburn. You should eat smaller, more-frequent meals during the day.

Slippery elm lozenge could be tried. Slippery elm bark, the main ingredient in these natural lozenges, coats your digestive tract in a protective layer. This lozenge also works to prevent the cough that acid reflux can cause. You can find these lozenges at most natural and health food stores.

Gluten is a frequent cause of acid reflux. Foods with gluten, such as oats, barely or wheat, need to be avoided by people who have acid reflux. Some grains can help digestion and contain necessary fiber. These include millet and quinoa.

Shedding excess weight is almost always a good idea. Acid reflux can be exacerbated by too much weight. This causes reflux issues because of the undue pressure on the stomach. Just losing a couple of pounds can be of help.

Eat your meals slow, taking the time to completely chew your food. Make sure you actually enjoy your food. Don’t overindulge at meal time, and stop eating when you feel full, but not stuffed.

Now the next time you experience acid reflux you will be prepared to handle it. Prior to now, you hadn’t a clue. Fortunately, you can now treat your acid reflux and eliminate it. With the help of these tips, you can banish acid reflux for good.

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