Jan 30, 2017 Personal Finance

Run Your Home Like A Business

You need to run your home like a well oiled business. That is the only way that you will be able to get what you need with the income that you are earning and resources that you have available to…

Jan 29, 2017 Personal Finance

Putting Things Into Perspective

Sometimes the overwhelming size of your debt and the fact that it has gone on for so long makes it difficult for you to put things into perspective and handle the situation in a manner that is as stress free…

Jan 28, 2017 Personal Finance

Positive Thinking

It might come as some surprise to you that you need to focus on positive thinking to get through periods of financial difficulty and to help you to turn around your financial situation where you have sufficient funds to cover…

Jan 27, 2017 Personal Finance

Paying Overdue Taxes

It is top priority to pay all your overdue taxes as soon as possible due to the compounding problems that occur. With penalties and interest on overdue taxes it doesn't take long for the total to mount up where you…

Jan 26, 2017 Personal Finance

Once You Have Control Of Your Debt

It is a great feeling to get on top of your debt and know that you are able to make all your payments each month and not have to worry about debt collectors or paying for your groceries but now…

Jan 25, 2017 Personal Finance

Missing Your Car Payments

Missing your car payments can create all sorts of problems in many different areas. As most of us rely on a car to get us to work it is essential to make sure you have enough money set aside to…

Jan 24, 2017 Personal Finance

Medical Bills

As one of the leading forms of consumer bankruptcy medical debt is a major problem that many people had to contend with. Even if you have health insurance there are quite often additional expenses when medical care is needed that…

Jan 23, 2017 Personal Finance

Managing Past Due Mortgage

Nothing damages your credit history more than a foreclosure so you will want to avoid it at all costs. Add to that the emotional strain of losing your most valuable asset and the time and effort that has gone into…

Jan 22, 2017 Personal Finance

Managing Debt Collectors

Debt collectors have a job to do and they are paid accordingly as a percentage of the amount of money that they recover from you. Obviously it is in their best interest to recover as much money as possible and…

Jan 21, 2017 Personal Finance

Managing A Budget Deficit

If your expenses are greater than your income then you have to contend with a budget deficit and there are only two ways you can deal with this. You can earn more money or you can spend less - it…

Jan 20, 2017 Personal Finance

Borrowing From Friends And Family

There are many factors that you need to consider before borrowing from friends and family. First and foremost you need to discuss, with whoever you are borrowing from, your financial situation so they can make a decision whether or not…

Jan 19, 2017 Personal Finance

Setting Goals

The quickest way to achieve your goal of reducing and eliminating your debt is to actually set some goals in the first place. Unless you have a specific goal in mind then it is all too easy to drift and…

Jan 18, 2017 Personal Finance

Saving Money

At some stage you will want to begin saving money to cover costs that will be occurring in the future, however until you have paid off your debt that is costing you money in interest and penalties it is not…

Jan 17, 2017 Personal Finance

Letting Others Know Of Your Situation

Quite often it is better to let others know of your situation and while you might feel somewhat embarrassed to tell friends and family that you've fallen into financial difficulty you might be quite surprised to know that many of…